PSA-British Library Event "Brexit, young people and politics"

On 18 March the Political Studies Association held a panel discussion on Brexit, young people and politics as part of their ongoing event series with the British Library. The event was chaired by Dr Andy Mycock of the University of Huddersfield with contributions and lively debate from a diverse range of contributors around the implications of Brexit for young people and how young people can be more effectively involved in the political process. 

 Participants included:       

  • Dr James Weinberg, Co-convenor, PSA Young People's Politics Specialist Group and University of Sheffield

  • Alexandra Bulat, Communications Officer, PSA Early Career Network, and Young Europeans Chair, the3million

  • Jake Cooper, Councillor for Belle Vale, Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council 

  • Esther Follis, The Wallace High School, Lisburn, Northern Ireland, and Member of the Winning Team, PSA Student Video Competition 2018 ('Brexit: What Does it Mean to You?')

  • Kira Lewis, Trustee, British Youth Council

  • Shakira Martin, President, National Union of Students 

  • Jack Norquoy, Member, Scottish Youth Parliament

  • Lara Spirit, Co-President, Our Future, Our Choice

Speakers rotated on and off the panel over 90 minutes to tackle an array of different topics. A full recording can be watched by clicking through on the title of this post. I join the debate around 34 minutes.


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